Sara is 46 years old and lives in her own apartment in a shared flat. She likes to be on the go and wants to be "where it happens". Sara loves cats, but is allergic and cannot have a cat herself. Sara often asks for help finding funny cat videos on Youtube. Sara works in the canteen at the municipal building with some assistance. Sara manages a lot by herself, but needs some help with daily housekeeping and personal care and hygiene. Sara prefers to do things herself and says she is tired of fussing from those who are supposed to assist her.

Sara's e-plan
Sara has made her own plan together with her primary contact. Sara agrees that she often forgets to brush her teeth and apply the ointment that she has been told by her GP. After Sara started with the e-plan with action chains for the morning routines, she has had a great start to the day. Not only does she remember "everything on the list", she also has plenty of time to watch cat videos before she has to go to work at 08:00.
Sara is very proud to have fixed the mornings herself and, not least, that she is free from nagging from the service providers.
Recently, Sara stated that she would also use e-plan at work, where there are many things to remember. Together with the supervisor, she has therefore created a visual recipe for how coarse waffles can be made. Sara gets a lot of praise for the waffles she makes.